Emily Owens

University of California - Irvine Website

Emily Owens is Professor in the Department of Criminology, Law and Society, and the Department of Economics at the University of California-Irvine. She holds a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Maryland-College Park.

Voting History

Pretrial detention

Reducing the number of people detained pretrial will lead to a net increase in crime in the medium- to long-term.

Vote Confidence
Disagree 8
Median Survey Vote Median Survey Confidence
Disagree 7

I don't think there is good evidence that this happens- rather than shift some offending around in a temporal sense.

Ending the use of cash bail will meaningfully reduce the number of people detained pretrial.

Vote Confidence
Neutral/No Opinion 8
Median Survey Vote Median Survey Confidence
Agree 7

This depends on what would be replacing cash bail. There are many possible options.

Using risk assessment to inform detention decisions will meaningfully reduce the number of people detained pretrial.

Vote Confidence
Strongly Disagree 9
Median Survey Vote Median Survey Confidence
Neutral/No Opinion 5

Just because a jurisdiction is using "a risk assessment tool" doesn't tell me what that assessment is based on, or how it is being implemented.