Randi Hjalmarsson

University of Gothenberg Website

Randi Hjalmarsson is Professor of Economics at the University of Gothenburg. She holds a Ph.D. in Economics from Yale University.

Voting History

Mass violence

Red flag laws, allowing police or family members to petition a court to temporarily remove firearms from a person who presents a danger to themselves or others, would reduce the frequency or severity of mass violence.

Vote Confidence
Disagree 5
Median Survey Vote Median Survey Confidence
Agree 7

I think there is increasing evidence that red flag laws reduce gun suicide rates, but not a strong evidence base that they impact mass violence. I do not think one can generalize the findings from suicide.

Universal background checks, which would require almost all firearm sales in the US to go through the National Instant Criminal Background Check System, would reduce the frequency or severity of mass violence.

Vote Confidence
Neutral/No Opinion 5
Median Survey Vote Median Survey Confidence
Agree 5

Most research -- especially that which is causal -- does not focus on mass shootings (which still make up a small proportion of gun violence). I think there is some evidence that universal background checks may reduce mass violence, but i think more research is needed.

Increasing the presence of armed security at schools and other public venues would reduce the frequency or severity of mass violence.

Vote Confidence
Disagree 5
Median Survey Vote Median Survey Confidence
Neutral/No Opinion 5