Felipe Goncalves

University of California, Los Angeles Website

Felipe Goncalves is Assistant Professor of Economics at the University of California, Los Angeles. He holds a Ph.D. in Economics from Princeton University.

Voting History

Pretrial detention

Reducing the number of people detained pretrial will lead to a net increase in crime in the medium- to long-term.

Vote Confidence
Disagree 2
Median Survey Vote Median Survey Confidence
Disagree 7

The crime effect of reducing pre-trial detention will depend on which defendants are affected, and even then it is hard to know. While some individuals released pre-trial commit offenses while awaiting their trial, the experience of pre-trial detention may itself lead to future criminal behavior (in addition to its other damaging effects). So it is unclear what the net impact on crime would be.

Ending the use of cash bail will meaningfully reduce the number of people detained pretrial.

Vote Confidence
Disagree 5
Median Survey Vote Median Survey Confidence
Agree 7

Using risk assessment to inform detention decisions will meaningfully reduce the number of people detained pretrial.

Vote Confidence
Disagree 5
Median Survey Vote Median Survey Confidence
Neutral/No Opinion 5