David Harding

University of California - Berkeley Website

David Harding is Professor of Sociology at the University of California - Berkeley, and the Director of the Social Sciences D-Lab. He holds a Ph.D. in Sociology and Social Policy from Harvard University.

Voting History

Policing and public safety

Increasing police budgets will improve public safety.

Vote Confidence
Disagree 5
Median Survey Vote Median Survey Confidence
Agree 7

Effects are likely to vary by baseline budgets and community characteristics.

Increasing social service budgets (e.g. housing, health, education) will improve public safety.

Vote Confidence
Strongly Agree 10
Median Survey Vote Median Survey Confidence
Agree 8

Increasing accountability for police misconduct will improve public safety.

Vote Confidence
Strongly Agree 8
Median Survey Vote Median Survey Confidence
Agree 6

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