Criminal Justice Expert Panel
Expert surveys about what works to improve the fairness and effectiveness of the criminal justice system
Marijuana reform
Pardoning federal convictions for simple possession of marijuana will have meaningful social benefits that exceed any social costs.

Pardoning state convictions for simple possession of marijuana will have meaningful social benefits that exceed any social costs.

Moving marijuana from a Schedule I drug to a less-restrictive schedule or legalizing it at the federal level would have meaningful social benefits that exceed any social costs.

Our Mission
The Criminal Justice Expert Panel is composed of leading academic social scientists who are regularly surveyed about what will work best to improve the fairness and effectiveness of the criminal justice system. Panelists hail from a variety of disciplines; what they have in common is their expertise in measuring the real-world effects of policies and programs on the outcomes that matter most. Our goal is to bring you their knowledge in a way that is timely, clear, and policy-relevant.
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